Animals - Birds (Cardinals and Owls) — Michelle the Painter
Acrylic painting tutorials

ADULT DIY Paint Kits

COMPLETE DIY ADULT PAINT KITS - Hundreds of designs to choose from, just click on your favorite subject and explore the options!

Animals - Birds (Cardinals and Owls)

Animals - Birds (Cardinals and Owls)

from $24.95

Each kit includes the following items specific to the painting choice:

Paint, brushes, 16x20 canvas, disposable palette, water cup, paper towel, picture of completed painting, link to tutorial video and written instructions.

Re-useable, portable, table-top easel is available for $4 extra per kit (see image below).

Shipping will be calculated at time of check out. All kits will be shipped within 2 business days of the date of order.

Painting Choice:
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